This blog was set up so that Viha's life could be seen in pictures by friends and family all over the world.

Saturday, May 28, 2005

"WHAT???? You mean you post all these pictures on the internet?????!!! How come nobody told me....!!!

I am never going to let you out of my sight - you 100 rhyme compilation!

A view of the 100 songs.....Vijay Chittappa - maybe you need some glasses to read this?!

Boy, it's going to take a LONG time to finish listening to 100 songs!

Can we hear these CD's now?

The first glimpse of things to come...

The process begins...with a little help from my mommy...

Okay, maybe I'll be nice to this wrapping paper ...

I am really going to rip it open now...can't wait!

Gift from Jayanthi and Vijay....a real treat!

Today I was thrilled to receive a gift from Vijay Chittappa and Jayanthi Chitti. I opened it as soon as I woke up this morning. THANK YOU BOTH SO MUCH....I LOVE THESE RHYMES!
Watch me opening the gift.

Funny how many kids this container can hold...!

Vidhur doing his best to get up to everybody's height......

Vishaak going for the "angry young man" look!

Vishaak & Vidhur come for a visit!

Last evening Vishaak and Vidhur came over to spend some time with me. We had a lot of fun.
Grandma made some delicious dinner, and we all had fun playing, eating and watching TV.
Here are some pictures for your viewing pleasure.....!
I am not sure why this posting shows up twice.

Monday, May 23, 2005


Although my real birthday is not until a week from now, we decided to celebrate it on 22nd May, since we knew lot of my friends would not be around on my actual birthday on account of Memorial Day.
We celebrated my birthday at "Pump it Up" on the corner of Marsh and Frankford. All my near and dear friends were in attendance, and we had a real blast. Maybe the pictures will speak for the fun we had....

I had the strawberry part, now for the pineapple part!

I wish for world peace, one Ferrari, and one more evening at Pump it up with my friends!

"Happy Birthday to you!"

Torch them up, daddy!

Three layered cake baked by Aunt Diane!

Group Photo! After all the fun, and before the cake cutting ceremony....

With my friends and neighbours!

I am having loads of fun!

What's everybody else up to????

This is the greatest ride...ever!

Sunday, May 22, 2005

I am having fun with my grand-parents

Yesterday, Immi and Babu Thatha arrived from Memphis, and I am having so much fun with them. From tomorrow onwards, I will be coming home by noon and having lunch, so only three hours of school for me! I will keep you all posted regarding my fun activities with my grand-parents..../VIHA/

Ethan, Alisha and myself having some fun!

Do I look okay?!!!

Dressing up for the Anniversary celebrations!

Ethan comes home for a few hours...

On Saturday (May 21st) Ethan came over to spend some time with us. Alisha joined in the fun as well!

Priya and Rajiv (my athai and athimber) celebrate 10 years

We had a gala time at their 10th anniversary celebrations held at "Pasand" on May 21st.
Daddy had to miss part of the festivities as he had to run to the airport to pick up my grand to follow!

Taste of Addison - May 15th

Last week, we had all gone to the "Taste of Addison" festival. It is held every year at the world famous Addison "fountain" park, and there is lots of fun to be had. There are many restaurants hawking their mouth-watering menu items, fun rides for kids and adults...and many awesome bands that play their music for the visitors.
We had a lot to eat (gyros, pizzas, lasagna etc) and enjoyed some fun to follow!

Yeah, we are finally moving!  Posted by Hello

Dad, please hod me tight, I don't want to fall off this horse! Posted by Hello

Truck man applauding my excellent sense of direction (the truck was on rails!) Posted by Hello

Can you see me at all?! Posted by Hello

Can you see my eyes behind the steering wheel? Posted by Hello

Words from Elvis: "Do we really need this web log?" Posted by Hello

Sunday, May 15, 2005

David's Birthday Party

Today I attended David's birthday party at Gymboree. This was the same joint I hosted my party last year. Pictures to follow...

Viha waits patiently as they get to her gift... Posted by Hello

Finally....opening the presents....! Posted by Hello

The jumping jacks under the parachute... Posted by Hello

Come on sister, why the frown? Posted by Hello

What do I do next? Posted by Hello

Swinging away to the sound of music Posted by Hello

Finally at David's party... Posted by Hello