This blog was set up so that Viha's life could be seen in pictures by friends and family all over the world.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Over and out! Hope I feel better soon!

As you can see, I don't look too good -- but am putting up a smile for the camera....

At Insiyah's cake cutting ceremony!

Out to enjoy some pizza!

Poor Chucky is tired after all the entertaining!

Can you spot me in this picture? 50 bonus points if you do!

Getting ready to ROCK the house (in this case, Chucky Cheese)!

Having fun at Insiyah's birthday party. She is the cute girl sitting next to me!

Off he goes after some last minute instructions from Uncle Bud! (At 200 mph, you have no friends!)

Dad fires up the Duck! We all hope and pray he does not get TOO excited!

Dad is fixing to put on his gloves and helmet. Those cool gloves were a birthday gift from Uncle Bud, which Dad uses on "special" occassions!

Uncle Bud and Dad. They have waited many years for this, toiled long and hard to get here, and this is their moment. Nobody can take this away from them!

Dad and Mom with the Ducati! Notice how the bike looks fast even though it's standing still! Mom can't wait to polish the bike and make it shine :-))

What's the latest?

Sorry for being out of the picture for SO LONG! We have been really busy, and things have been hectic.
This past week Daddy finally got his Ducati all fixed up, and last Thursday (3/16) was one of the happiest days of his life! Uncle Bud, Mom, Dad and myself went to pick up the bike from the BMW-Ducati dealership.

Yesterday (3/18) was Insiyah's birthday. Mommy had taken some photos which are shown here. This weekend I am not feeling so good, as I have some fever and some sort of a stomach flu. Hope you all enjoy the pics!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

A group photo with Keerthana, Kavitha Aunty and mommy....

In the evening, we went to visit Keerthana papa at her house. We had a FUN time with her. We were lucky to be able to play with her before she went to bed.

A quick break in the house before we head out to Joel's place for some lunch. Mom would also join us for some lunch...

With my friend Etienne.

Elvis doing his best to break the leash and go party with the other dogs....

I rule this slide!

On Saturday (MARCH 4th) - daddy, Elvis and myself had gone out to the park. We had a LOT of fun walking the trails, playing the slides and running around the lawns....

With Aunt Mary...

What's a little girl supposed to do?

Another "cute" pose with Chittappa....

With Jayanthi Chitti and Vijay Chittappa....

Here is "Waitress Viha"...taking some food orders from my mom and dad!

That was a lot of fun :-)

Sitting on Vijay Chittappa's shoulders!

Just having fun!

With Elvis and Vijay Chittappa..

Did you like the flowers that daddy and me got for you?

Having some Thai Iced Tea on Valentine's day!

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Another pose with Ms.Shrabanthi.

With my teacher Ms.Shrabanthi

With LARA!

I raise my hands to tell my teacher that I am done.


Dad helps me with some shading.

A pose with my dad.

Mom is happy with my progress...

Here is my almost-completed BOX OF OBJECTS, with no help from my friends!

My exercises for today are BOX OF OBJECTS & BEAN STAIR

"This is my school, I KNOW what I am doing!"


On Feb 24th, we had an OPEN HOUSE at my montessori. This is where parents come over to see, and be part of, all the fun stuff that we do at school. This year my dad and mom had a blast. Check out the pictures!